HIV Universal Vaccine
Huma n Immu n o d e f i c i e n c y Vi r u s×Huma n Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccine×HIV×Hepatitis B Virus×Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine×HBV×Human Papilloma Virus×HPV×Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine×HPVV×Cluster of Differentiation 4×glycoprotein 120×Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome×AIDS×Vaccine×Virus Universal Vaccine×Abstract
For many deadly viruses, there are no preventive and / or therapeutic vaccines approved by health authorities World-wide (e.g., HIV, Ebola, Dengue, and many others). Although, for some viruses, prophylactic vaccines are very effective (e.g., HBV, Polio, Rota, and many others). In this realm, we design, manufacture, test, and streamline into the clinics novel viral universal vaccines (VUV). VUV have such unique features, that medical vaccination or natural infection induced immunity against some viruses (e.g., HBV) in patients, who became infected with other viruses (e.g., HIV), upon the VUV’s administration , is redirected against these other, newly infecting viruses (e.g., HIV).
How to Cite
Malecki , M., & Saetre, B. (2023). HIV Universal Vaccine . Molecular Cellular Therapy and Mechanism, 6(1), 1–14. Retrieved from