Physical Properties of Self-Assembled Porous Alumina Structures Filled with Iodine
porous alumina, iodine nanoparticles, nanocomposite, electrical conduction, ellipsometry, phase transition.Abstract
Self-assembled porous alumina structures (por Al2O3) were prepared by two-
step anodization process and characterized by scanning electron microscopy.
Filling quasi one-dimensional parallel nanochannels of por Al2O3 host matrix
with iodine guest substance by vapor phase adsorption method resulted in
the formation of I/por Al2O3 nanocomposite. Electrical properties of these
nanocomposite samples were studied by alternating-current measurements at
a frequency of 1 kHz. Ellipsometric measurements were carried out in the
spectral range 350–1000 nm. Structural transition of iodine species from the
chain structures to molecular iodine was found in I/por Al2O3 nanocomposite
at ∼ 70 ◦C.
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